Sunday, December 28, 2014

Daily Note 2014 12 I

1) Dr. Kevin Barrett ===>> 

Dr. Kevin Barrett, a Ph.D. Arabist-Islamologist, holds advanced degrees in English Literature, French Literature, and African Literature, and is the author of three books including Questioning the War on Terror: A Primer for Obama Voters (2009) which deconstructs the "war on terror" through Socratic questioning. Dr. Barrett was also the lead editor, along with John Cobb and Sandra Lubarsky, of 9/11 and American Empire v.2: Christians, Jews and Muslims Speak Out. He has taught the French and Arabic languages, African literature, English, humanities, religious studies, and folklore at colleges and universities in the U.S. and abroad.
2) Dr. Barrett has been a Muslim since 1993. LINK
3) Saudi Arabia’s intelligence chief, Prince Bandar bin Sultan.
4) Qatar, home to the world’s largest gas field along with Iran, has proposed a gas pipeline from the Gulf to Turkey that would traverse Syria to the Mediterranean, with the gas then being shipped to Europe.
5) In 2011, Syria announced it had discovered a promising gas field in the city of Homs, which would later see some of the fiercest battles between Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s forces and the rebels.
6) Syria is a key energy transit route to Europe. A number of countries appear to be seeking dominance of the energy market that runs through Syria.
7) Rasmussen has told Turkish officials that NATO “won’t hesitate to do what it takes to provide effective defense and protection of our allies, including, of course, Turkey.”

8) #Shia - - -

Iran on the other hand historically is the heart of the smaller branch of Islam, the Shi’ite. Iraq’s population is some 61% majority Shi’ite. Syria’s President, Bashar al-Assad is a member of a satellite of the Shi’ite branch known as Alawite. Some 23% of Turkey is also Alawite Muslim.

9) Sufi ====>> 

রাসুলে নোমা হযরত ফতেহ আলী ওয়েসী (রহ.)-এর সংক্ষিপ্ত জীবনী LINK

10)  Islam at Mirpur ===>> 

রাজধানীর মিরপুর-৬ নম্বর মাদরাসা বন্ধ করে দেয়া হয় ১০ নম্বরের গোলচত্বরের তথাকথিত ‘গণজাগরণ মঞ্চে’ গিয়ে একাত্মতা ঘোষণা না করায়। মিরপুর-১৪ নম্বরের খাদেমুল ইসলাম মাদরাসার প্রিন্সিপালকে অপদস্থ করা হয় ‘গণজাগরণ মঞ্চে’ গিয়ে স্বঘোষিত নাস্তিকদের আন্দোলনের পক্ষে বক্তব্য না দেয়ায়। LINK

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